Mike's Wine Blog

My wine tasting notes, both current releases and older wines from my cellar.

Location: California, United States

Sunday, January 16, 2005

1997 Hetszolo, Tokaji Aszu, 3 Puttonyos

Tokaji Aszu is a Hungarian desert wine similar in style to a Bordeaux Sauterne. This wine was medium golden color and had a nose of orange and apricots, with favors of orange, honey and apricots on the palette, medium acid and a long fruity finish. This is a nice desert wine, although initially it was a little lighter in style. I left it in the refrigerator for 4 or 5 days, and it seemed to develop more body, and take on flavors of honey apricots suggesting that it would improve with aging. I bought this wine several years ago for around $10/500ml, which makes it a good value. My rating 85.

When Hungary was behind the Iron Curtain, the Vineyards were made collectives. I purchased some Tokaji Aszu, 5 Puttonyos from 1975 and 1978 that was made by the vineyard collectives. As I recall, it was very good. I still have one bottle of the 1978. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the collective vineyards have been abolished, and private producers are once again making Tokaji Aszu, unfortunately usually at much higher prices. The 3 Puttonyos is a lower quality wine, the 5 Puttonyos is better, and there are 6 Puttonyos and Aszú-Eszencia. I know almost nothing about the producers in this region, but this wine looks to have been a very good value. I believe some more recent vintages from this producer are available now, and I will definitely look for them.


Blogger Mike said...

I've been buying 5 Puttunyos, mainly from Royal Tokaji, for some years, it is generally excellent.

I wouldn't say that Tokaji is all that similar to Sauternes though. Tokaji has a style all of it's own, all those warm orange and caramel flavours, lovely.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Pete and Kel said...

ive been given two bottles of this stuff? don t really know to much about it the yrs are 93 6 puttonyos and a 92 4 puttonyos is it worth keeping. thanks

8:03 PM  
Blogger mikeca said...

I have limited experience with Tokaji Aszu and don't know anything about the 92 or 93 vintages. I would expect these to be good. You should be able to drink them now or keep them for a number of years. I would expect them to be very sweet, especially the 6 puttonyos.

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi.. nice to see a post about Tokaji ;) I bought 1997 Hetszolo 6 puttonyos in Budapest 08.. anyone who knows anything about it?

1:22 AM  

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